“Champagne Polo”
“Champagne Polo”
Location: Palm Beach, FL
Size: 16” x 20”
Medium: Oil on Belgium linen
Gold Leaf Frame
© K.Witherspoon
Limited Edition
Canvas giclée prints:
Size: 16 x 20
Price: $280.00
Inquiries to Kay@KayWitherspoon.com
While photographing the Gold Cup in at the Palm Beach Polo Club in Florida, I got the idea for this painting. With champagne flowing all around, the circles in this image reminded me of the bubbly nectar. So, I added more in the backdrop foliage for good measure.
What fascinates me the most when watching the game are the stunning, glistening colors of the ponies as they twist and turn in the sun during a game. Such a light show dramatically shows off the beauty and power of their anatomy as well as the horsemanship of the players.
and Equine
and Animals
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